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  • Updates on Part 213 LUST Regulations Amendments and Overview of UST Cleanup Funds

Updates on Part 213 LUST Regulations Amendments and Overview of UST Cleanup Funds

  • 05/11/2016
  • 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Johnson Center, Cleary University, Howell, MI


  • Received after May 4th
  • Received after May 4th
  • Received after May 4th
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Updates on Part 213 LUST Regulations Amendments and Overview of UST Cleanup Funds

Wednesday, May 11, 2016
5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Cleary University, Johnson Center
3725 Cleary Drive, Howell

Josh Mosher - MDEQ-RRD, Acting Chief of C&E
Senate Bill 717 was introduced by Senator Tom Casperson on January 21, 2016 and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.  The bill proposes to amend Part 213, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.  The bill includes major changes that deal with institutional controls to manage contamination left in place within a public road right-of way as a result of a release from an underground storage tank system.  The presentation will cover the significant amendments to Part 213, including the impacts to Owners and Operators, the State and local units of governments, and how illicit discharges to MS4 systems are affected.
Josh Mosher Bio

Bob Reisner - MDEQ, MUSTA Administrator
The Michigan Underground Storage Tank Authority (MUSTA) and the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (Fund) were created on December 30, 2014 by amendments to Part 215, Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Funding, of Act 451.  The Fund was created to provide a mechanism that petroleum underground storage tank (UST) owners and operators may use to meet their federal financial responsibility requirement (FR) and to provide reimbursement for corrective action costs for certain releases from USTs.  MUSTA Administrator Bob Reisner will provide an overview as to the organization of MUSTA and information on submitting claims, performing work, invoicing and payments.  You are encouraged to come with questions.
Bob Reisner Bio

May 11th Registration PDF Form

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