2017 MAEP Annual Meeting Program
Weber's Inn, Ann Arbor
- Cocktail Reception & Hors D'oeuvres - 5:30-7:00 pm
- Welcome, Announcements & Thank You to Sponsors - Presented by Rick Dunkin
- Presentation by Richard Eberly, a high school science Teacher at New Buffalo High School.
- Grant Awards
- Introduction of Board of Directors
- Recognition of MAEP 2017 President Rick Dunkin
- Raffle Drawing
Please let us know if you can not make it. If we do not received a cancellation notice from you prior to the event you will be charged a $40 no show fee.
Sponsor Form
$139++ Hotel Room Rate
To ensure you receive the special rate quoted above, please refer to the Michigan Association of Environmental Professionals HOLIDAY, group MAEP120617, when making reservations. Reservations must be made before November 6, 2017. Please call toll free for hotel reservations at 800-443-3050.
Thank You Sponsors:
Platinum Sponsor - $500
Merit Laboratories, Inc.
Waste Management
Gold - $300
Taplin Enterprises
HM Environmental Services, Inc.
Job Site Services
NTH Consultants
Silver - $200
ESC Lab Sciences
Triton Services, Inc.
Pace Analytical Services
Bronze - $100
Siena Heights University
Tetra Tech
Raffle Sponsor
McDowell & Associates
Sponsors will be announced at the event, listed in the printed program and in future publications of MAEP. If your company would like to be a sponsor and underwrite the Annual Meeting in full or in part, please contact Cheryl Anne Farmer, MAEP Executive Director, at 734.498.2838 or admin@maep.org or fill out the online registration form.